About DAS

The advancement of education and the provision of guidance in the science and practice of airway management wherever it is delivered, including the management of patients with difficult or unusual airway problems.

DAS Constitution

Who we are

The Difficult Airway Society is a UK-based medical specialist society formed to further management of the airway of patients by anaesthetists and other critical care practitioners. It developed from the interest of a number of anaesthetists who met at a fibreoptic intubation meeting held at Guy’s Hospital, London once or twice a year from 1987.

What we do

DAS advertises and provides courses, lectures, demonstrations, workshops and other educational modalities. We have a wide variety of academic and educational activities to achieve our goal of improving airway management for out patients.


DAS promotes academia and research in the field of airway management and promotes the dissemination of the useful results of that research.


DAS advertises and provides courses, lectures, demonstrations, workshops and other educational modalities.


DAS holds an Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), among other DAS events


DAS regularly conducts surveys to enhance our understanding of attitudes and issues relating to airway management 


DAS has a number of options for our diverse membership, both nationally and internationally 

Obstetrics guideline master algorithm


DAS has published a number of internationally recognised guidelines on key issues in airway management


The Difficult Airway Society Constitution was last amended in September 2024. The current document is linked here.