Update:(07/08/2014) The Airway Leads forum is now live and can be accessed by visiting the forums under member's section. We are currently setting up online accounts for Airway Leads who have already registered with the DAS website. Please send us your details if you have not already done so.

Welcome to the DAS-RCoA Airway lead forum.

Following a successful airway leads day hosted jointly by the DAS and RCoA in September 2013, we invite all the airway leads to this common platform for effective and free exchange of ideas.

A very successful DAS Annual scientific meeting at Ascot has thrown up a lot of new airway related challenges and ideas and this would be the ideal forum for you to tap into. We also wish to provide you with expert help and support in all airway related matters.

The DAS web site soon will have new features including members only area. This will feature video and pod casts from DAS Meetings, case discussions, CT and MRI Scans. All DAS-RCoA airway leads will have free access to members only area as announced on the Airway leads day.

We have set up accounts for all airway leads who have registered with the DAS website. If you are an airway lead and you have not yet registered already please send us your details through our contact form. Please send us the following details

  • Fullname
  • Hospital / Trust name
  • Indicate if your are a DAS member
  • If DAS member your membership number (this can be retrieved from this website here)

All your data will be kept safe and confidential.

DAS Central Committee

airway lead